Timberwolf is a unique planting company specializing in Commercial Landscape, Reforestation, Forestry, and Natural Areas planting all across Australia; it was founded by former Canadian planters who recognized the potential of using Canadian silviculture techniques in the Australian Landscaping industry. Timberwolf plants a variety of contracts all year long and we have crew boss positions available for the right people.
Timberwolf is recruiting planters who want to use their planting skills to earn great money, but are also looking for new experiences in a different country. Timberwolf is different to the regular Canadian style of planting in many ways, but still holds strong to the culture we have all come to love. The biggest differences being the species or plants, the size of plants and the way you need to set them out. There is money to be made and plants to be planted. If this intrigues you, more specific information has been compiled into a downloadable Timberwolf Intro Guide. You can also check out some photos of our work on our Instagram here.
Email jobs@timberwolfplanting.com.au for more information or if you’d like to apply you can complete an application form here.
Find us on Facebook HERE and on the web Timberwolf Planting