Do You Have What it Takes?

Tree planting is a tough job with challenges like no other. Do you have what it takes to be a successful tree planter?
Strong Work Ethic
Unlike jobs that pay by the hour, where a bad day does not affect the overall outcome of your earnings, treeplanting pays by the tree. Without a strong work ethic, you will not succeed in this industry, and you will go home empty handed.
Ability to Learn and Retain Information Quickly
A fast treeplanter has the ability to learn and understand new terms, conditions and requirements quickly. Quality requirements are highly site specific. Learning to adjust your technique accordingly will have a significant impact on your season.
Ability to Work with Anyone
Treeplanters work and live with people from all types of backgrounds. You must have the ability to cooperatively work and live with almost anybody.
Pitch in and Help – ALWAYS
With treeplanting comes a great deal of work for which you will likely not be directly paid. A good treeplanter is available to help his or her foreman or supervisor with a little help during non-planting hours.
Ability to Overcome the Unforeseen
Plans always change. Most treeplanters know the saying “Hurry up and wait”. You have to be able to roll with the punches. There are far too many things that can happen to disrupt your day. Control freaks beware!
Ability to Deal with Discomfort
There is a certain amount of discomfort and pain associated with treeplanting. From aching muscles to “wrinkle foot” to losing a fingernail or two – it’s all part of the job. On yeah, don’t forget the cold, rain, mud, blistering heat, sun, bugs – the list goes on.
Hone your Competitive Edge
For many, this job is extremely competitive. If you do not fit into the category of someone who enjoys a challenge on a daily and even hourly basis, this job may not be for you. Most hiballers will tell you that the single most driving force behind their success is the drive to beat either their own daily record or that of their colleagues.